Earn $25.00 In Referral Credits!
Tell A Friend & Save Money

Earn $25.00 in referral credits! All of your friends are welcome, so refer as many as you’d like and we’ll keep the $25.00 credits coming. Send in your referral’s name (below) or just call us (440) 327-1467 or email staff@customlawns.com.

Disclaimer: Please note that all referrals MUST sign-up for Custom Lawn’s 5- or 4-Step Program in order for your credit to be issued.

Friend’s Information

Your Information

We Have Connections

If you need help with your lawn mowing, landscape, trees and shrubs or your irrigation system, or if you need a service we do not provide, please give us a call. We can refer you to a local green industry contractor that we have confidence in.

Gift Certificates

What a great idea! Consider a Custom Lawn gift certificate for a full season of lawn care. These make great holiday, birthday or “neighborly” gifts.